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Add An Open House From Anywhere

Caitlin Webb

Updated: Oct 2, 2023

Flexmls has another upgrade for us. We are excited to introduce, beginning July 16, the ability to add an open house to a listing right from your Flexmls app (iOS & Android). 

With this mobile enhancement, the Flexmls Web version of the Open Houses page will also receive a visual refresh to make it easier to use and to provide a more consistent experience on all platforms.

You’ll also notice a terminology change to align with the Real Estate Standards Organization (RESO). “Virtual Open House” will change to “Livestream Open House” and “Virtual Tour of Homes” will change to “Livestream Tour of Homes.”

What Will Change? Currently, you can only add or edit open houses from Flexmls Web. With this update, you will have convenient access to open houses right from your Flexmls app (iOS & Android).

Add or Edit Open Houses On The Go Starting in your Flexmls app (iOS & Android) or from Flexmls Mobile Web, navigate to the detail page for a listing, click the Edit button, then click Open House in the Scheduled Marketing Activities section of the page.

Scheduled Marketing Activities

When you click this option, a new Open Houses page will open. Click the Add button to create a new open house event. To edit an existing open house, click the More (three dots) menu, then click Edit Open House or Remove Open House.

Add or Edit Open Houses in Flexmls Web This enhancement also includes a refreshed Open Houses page in Flexmls Web, making the experience consistent across all platforms. Starting from the Change Listing page, click Open House in the Scheduled Marketing Activities section of the page. When you click this option, the same Open Houses page will open.

Open Houses

Click the Add Open House button to create a new open house event. To edit an existing open house, click the More (three dots) menu, then click Edit Open House or Remove Open House.

Add An Open House From Anywhere

Terminology Change From “Virtual” to “Livestream” To clarify the purpose of virtual open houses/tours of homes, and to align with the RESO data dictionary, anywhere you see “Virtual Open House” or “Virtual Tour of Homes” will be changed to “Livestream Open House” or “Livestream Tour of Homes.”

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